主营:表观遗传学相关抗体、Chip 级别抗体、重组识别子和催化酶、预甲基化修饰的重组组蛋白、多聚核小体和生物素标记核小体
℡ 4000-520-616
℡ 4000-520-616
Active Motif/组蛋白和修饰组蛋白/31293
市  场 价:¥64800.00
场      地:美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 蛋白类>多肽>多肽合成>
邮      箱: info@ebiomall.com
美  元  价:$3240.00
品      牌: Active Motif
公      司:Active Motif
Active Motif/组蛋白和修饰组蛋白/31293

Active Motif offers a wide variety of recombinant histones that include site- and degree-specific modifications such as methylation, acetylation and phosphorylation. The combination of histone post-translational modifications form the basis of the “histone code” that serves to regulate a variety of nuclear functions, including interactions with chromatin-associated proteins, nucleosome remodeling, transcriptional regulation, replication and DNA repair. Each recombinant histone is prepared using one of two patented technologies: Expressed Protein Ligation (EPL) or Methylated Lysine Analog (MLA). We also offer a subset of our histone H3 proteins that have been biotinylated for use in FRET assays and other capture techniques.

With our MLA technology, methylated histones are generated via a chemical alkylation reaction that introduces a methyl-lysine analog at the desired lysine location, giving us precise control over the site and degree of methylation. Alternatively, the EPL technology can be used to generate methylated, acetylated and phosphorylated histones. Using EPL, the histone globular domain is ligated to a peptide that contains the N-terminal histone tail with the desired modifications. This ligation reaction maintains the native histone bonds. Both methods produce proteins that are validated to be over 98% pure. For more information on the EPL and MLA technologies, click on the EPL and MLA Technologies tab below.

Active Motif also offers a number of biotinylated recombinant histone H3 proteins. Biotin is linked either to unmodified or modified recombinant H3 protein at its N-terminus via a carbon linker. The addition of biotin enables the recombinant histones to be used as a substrate for capture of protein binding interactions. Biotinylated histone H3 proteins are also ideal substrates for homogenous FRET assays. Simply incubate the recombinant histone with the enzyme of interest and detect using streptavidin-coated donor beads and antibody-conjugated acceptor beads.

A complete list of recombinant histones is shown below. Click on the protein name to see complete information.


美国Active Motif公司致力于细胞生物学和分子生物学研究试剂的开发与生产,是世界上最大的转录因子研究试剂生产商。为全球从事基因功能研究、基因表达调控及其编码蛋白研究的科研人员,提供高质量的产品和优质的服务。

Active Motif 公司是一家致力于细胞生物学和分子生物学研究用试剂的开发和生产的专业公司,是世界上最大的转录因子试剂生产商。为全球从事表观遗传学、核功能研究、基因表达调控及其编码蛋白研究的科学家,提供高品质的试剂和优质的服务。

其产品涉及ChIP-IT®染色质免疫共沉淀试剂盒,TransAM® 转录因子ELISA试剂盒,LightSwitch™萤光素酶报告系统,组蛋白纯化试剂,组蛋白乙酰转移酶活性检测试剂盒,组蛋白修饰ELISA试剂盒,Luminex®组蛋白H3多重分析试剂盒,甲基化DNA检测及富集试剂盒,FACE™磷酸化蛋白ELISA试剂盒,Ras GTPase活性检测试剂盒,核蛋白提取试剂盒,重组组蛋白,组蛋白及组蛋白修饰抗体,DNA甲基化相关抗体等。

Active Motif公司提供创新性的生物技术应用于多个研究领域,其产品对发现、破译和了解复杂的细胞功能提供了有力的帮助,同时Active motif公司不断的开发新产品,为生物工程领域的研究提供了可靠保证。 如其开发的NOMe-Seq试剂盒,是世界上首个可以分析同一DNA分子上多种表观修饰关系的试剂盒,通过高分辨率的核小体定位和甲基化谱测序,可对同一条DNA链进行核小体足迹和DNA甲基化谱分析,该产品也因此荣获《The Scientist》2013生命科学10大创新产品的称号。

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